This patient is able to close his mouth comfortably, chin has a marked angle, patient is more upright.
Patient Case 3
His sinuses were blocked all the time. Within 6 months of being in treatment (vivos), his sinuses are clear (black area). He doesn’t remember the last time his sinuses were clear.
Before Picture
After Picture
Patient Case 4
This is Jackee. After 6 months of treatment, she can breathe through her right nostril better!
Find out how some of our clients are overcoming headaches, numbness and facial pain with DTR therapy.
Case Study 7
This patient was experiencing headaches, numbness and pain throughout her entire body. In two appointments with DTR therapy she is now symptom free and her quality of life has improved dramatically.
Case Study 5
This patient was suffering from extreme back pain and after seeking advice and treatment for years from multiple professional sources, a solution was finally found with Dr. Havel. Her DTR (Disclusion Time Reduction) treatment provided the patient with near instant pain relief.
Case Study 6
Before seeing Dr. Havel for intense headaches, this patient found it difficult to work, concentrate or lead a productive pain free life. Almost immediately, the patient became headache free and was amazed with the results.
After one year of being in the vivos appliance, this patient is more upright and his eyes are more open.
-Muscles in the shoulders are more relaxed, not tender to light pressure.
– Patient does not get as many headaches.
– His grades improved.
The picture on the left is after the traditional palatal expander. The picture on the right is the patient after one year of being in the vivos appliance – almost doubled the airway! We still have about one year left to go in the appliance. Coffee straw vs. regular straw! How much more air (oxygen) will get into the body?